10 January, 2009

fairy baby

Posted in art, dolls, salmonberry bird, work tagged , , , at 6:03 pm by blue-eyed crow


Here is beginning of one of the fairy cradles I’m working on.  It’s quite plain at this stage, but that will change soon!

5 January, 2009


Posted in art, dolls, life, salmonberry bird, work tagged , at 6:31 pm by blue-eyed crow


This little guy watched through an open window as I made a little fairy cradle out of copper today.  I was surprised at how long he stayed, but even after his long visit he zzz’ed back and forth for a while between this perch and the camellia down below.

I’m enjoying making little Thumbelina and fairy beds, I have bits of silk ready for the coverlets.

10 December, 2008


Posted in dolls, salmonberry bird, work tagged , at 1:39 am by blue-eyed crow


For the sale this weekend I made nests for the babies to sit in, this is the first batch ready to go.  Staining (with walnut), waxing, and trimming always takes longer than I think it will, plus there are other things to get ready!

1 December, 2008


Posted in dolls, salmonberry bird, work tagged , at 5:53 am by blue-eyed crow

Two weeks until I’m going to be selling a few dozen of these and again I’ve run out of thread. After running out for more I’ll stain and wax them, and put on buttons. Then, if there’s time, I’ll start some eggshell cradles (I’ll make smaller dolls for those, these are almost 2 inches tall, too big for an eggshell).